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If you would like a 3D sculptural painting made to your liking, contact me, Ruth Collis, with your idea, send pictures, photos, links of similar sold paintings, or connect through contact form.

*No portraits, pets, or realism requiring exact representation.

*No copyrighted works by someone else.

*Must be 3-dimensional/textured work desired.


Not a painting matching your exact pet or child's photo with blue eyes & expression.

Yes, a painting of a random animal that allows creative expression, or a 3D animal print, like here.

Yes, I will try to replicate a coral. It will be hard, but is the most exciting, so will overlook the difficulty.

Yes, flowers, plant life, garden themes, landscapes, coralscapes, & underwater scenes.

Yes, textured or sculpted abstracts.

Maybe mermaid themes if the hair & costume design can be of more focus & texture. No nudity. No kids.

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